Teacher: Why is your homework
in your father’s handwriting?
Pupil: I used his pen!
Teacher: Name two days of
the week that start with "t".
Pupil: Today and Tomorrow.
Have you heard about the teacher
who was cross-eyed?
She couldn’t control her pupils!
Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention?
Student: I'm paying as little attention as I can.
Teacher: You’ve got your
shoes on the wrong feet.
Pupil: But these are the
only feet I’ve got!
Today my teacher
yelled at me for
something I didn’t do.
What was that?
My homework!
What is white when
its dirty and black
when its clean?
A blackboard!
What do Monkeys sing at Christmas?
Jungle bells, Jungle bells!
What do u have in December that u dont have in any other month???
The letter "D"
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