A scientist cannot be a president but kalam did it.
A conductor cannot be a superstar but rajnikant did it.
A monkey cannot operate a mobile but yes, you did it.. I m proud of you..
There is always
a ‘DRIVE SLOW’ board near schools.
But not near girl’s
college. why?
As by xperience my advice 4u friends-
have only one girl friend otherwise ur life will b very sad like me ,
1side Aishwarya puling me 4 cinema other side Sania pulling me 4 Tennis and
kareena keeps sending luv messages 2 me!
Silly gals!Wat can i do?
Hey Wait.I’m getting a call from katrina kaif….
People who do lots of work…make lots of mistakes,
People who do less work…make less mistakes,
People who do no work…make no mistakes,
People who make no mistakes…get promoted.
judge-what you do?
prisnor-This & that
judge-where you live?
prisnor-here & there
judge(to policeman)-Arrest him.
prisnor-when i will come out
judge-sooner & later
A Sardar looking at sky asks another
Sardar : Is that a sun or moon?
Other Sardar replies : Oye ! No idea…Im new to this city..
God made man and then rested.
God made women and then no one rested
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