G-o to bed
O-ff the lights
O-ut of tensions
D-reams come
N-ice sleep
I-gnore worries
G-et up early
H-ave a nice day
T-hank God always
ThinGz to Note Down WheN you SleeP:
1st-MiSSss Meee
2nd-ThInk ov Meee
3rd-HuG Me
4th-LoVE me.
TrY 2 Sleep NoW &
ClOSe Ur Eyez.
Get PrePaReD to DrEaM oF me!
Gud NiGHT!
Money can buy a house not home, A bed but not sleep, medicine but not health, Money is dirty, it only cause pain & suffering. SEND me all UR MONEY & BE HAPPY. Good Night
Black sky with
solo moon with
millions of stars
brings U a
silent hours
to take a nice rest..
Enjoy da whole night..
Gud night
My Math teacher told me 1 Hour=60 Mins & 1 Min = 60 secs. but she never told me 1 sec without a FRIEND like you is equal to 100 years. Miss you, Good Night, have a sweet dream.
I wish moon always be full and bright. And you always be cool and right. Whenever you go to switch off the light. Remember that I am wishing you good night
May be u are busy or tired by the end of the day, just wana tell you , GOOD NIGHT before I sleep.
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