There is enough on this earth for a man's needs but not
enough for his greed...
Good Morning..
" Opn your eyes! So the SUN can rise,Flowers can
Birds can sing, Becoz all r waiting to see your
Good Morning...
Hey Sleeping People!
Come back from the dreams,
New Day has been started
Welcome to another lovely morning
Have a nice day
New day
new morning
new sun shine
new plans
new hopes
new success
new feeling
I pray god to give u a happy & successful day
Good morning...
not bcoz de RISE-N-FALL;
but bcoz each time de FALL,
day never fail 2 RISE AGAIN!
Wish u the same!
Good morning...
So simple is to live;
So simple is to love;
So simple is to smile;
So simple is to win
but so difficult it’s to be simple!
Good Morning...
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